frequently asked questions

A selection of our most asked questions - so you dont have to
Our most popular material is our premium paper labels. They are the cheapest and most cost effective, but are also very high quality laser printed.
Yes we can! You can navigate to our custom shaped Sticker by selecting products in the main menu. Please email us with your artwork before placing an order just to check the design shape isn’t too complex.
Having an account means you can keep track of your order history, and re-order if needed. Your address will also be stored for faster a check-out
Sure. If you have any artwork queries, or need help setting up your artwork in the right format/size, we can help you with that! If you would like us to design the artwork for you please put it all in an email and we will see what we can do!
We certainly can! Feel free to email your artwork to and we will check it over for you!
If your artwork is too big to upload through our site, please email it to If it is too large to send by email, please transfer it to us using
You can either email your artwork to us at, send it via